Nicholas Ashton, pianist solo, chamber, contemporary piano music

Nicholas Ashton, pianist

Events/Concerts/Professional Activity

Future Events
Date Time Location Details

Jul 21st
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists 2025 RCS Summer School for Pianists

Jul 22nd
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists 2025 RCS Summer School for Pianists

Jul 23rd
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists 2025 Teaching, coaching and adjudication (Scottish International Junior Competition)

Jul 24th
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists 2025 Teaching, coaching and adjudication (Scottish International Junior Competition)

Aug 6th
3:00pm Lake District Summer Music Festival, Ambleside Parish Church Renna Kellaway Memorial Celebration Concert and LDSM 40th Anniversary 1985-2025 Pianists Carole Presland, Paul Janes, Steven Osborne, Nicholas Ashton and the Chilingirian String Quartet. Repertoire to include: Chopin: Two Polonaises op 40 (NA); Shostakovich: Cello Sonata op 40 (NA); Brahms: Horn Trio op 40 (PJ)

Aug 6th
7:30pm Lake District Summer Music Festival, Ambleside Parish Church Renna Kellaway Memorial Celebration Concert, LDSM 40th Anniversary 1985-2025 and Ravel 150th Anniversary. Pianists Carole Presland, Paul Janes, Steven Osborne, Nicholas Ashton and the Chilingirian String Quartet. Repertoire to include: Ravel: Ma Mere l'Oye (NA/SO); Piano Trio (SO); Schubert: Quintet (Die Forelle) (CP)

Sep 1st
7:30pm Marchmont House, Greenlaw, Scottish Borders Solo/Duet Recital with Sasa Gerzelj. Repertoire to include: Schubert: Duet Sonata, Bb major, D.617: Ravel (150th Anniversary): Ma Mere l'Oye; Rhapsodie Espagnole. Plus solo works by Cecile Chaminade and Schumann

Sep 21st
3:00pm The Old Church of Rannoch, Perthshire Solo Recital. Programme to be confirmed

Oct 1st
7:30pm The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Solo Recital: Programme details forthcoming. The theme: 2025 Anniverary Years - 1625/1725/1825/1925/2025 (including music by William Byrd, JS Bach, Handel, D.Scarlatti, Beethoven, Robert Crawford, Stravinsky)
Previous Events
Date Time Location Details

Mar 21st
1:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Stevenson Hall RCS Fridays at One Keyboard Faculty Concert: Repertoire: Alexander Arutiunian & Arno Babadjanian Festive Sinae Lee piano Marianna Abrahamyan piano tbc percussion Percy Grainger The Warriors Jason Gillham piano Steven Coombs piano Saša Gerželj-Donaldson piano Sergei Rachmaninov 6 Morceaux, Op.11 Martin Roscoe piano Aaron Shorr piano Ugnius Pauliukonis piano Morta Grigaliūnaitė piano Yicheng Pan piano Nicholas Ashton piano Claire Haslin piano Norman Beedie piano Petras Geniušas piano Fali Pavri piano

Oct 13th
2:30pm Lockerbie Town Hall, Dumfries and Galloway Recital with Sasa Gerzelj (piano duet). Repertoire to include: Ravel Ma Mere l'Oye; Mozart, Schubert, Cecile Chaminade

Oct 2nd
1:10pm McPherson Recital Room, Laidlaw Music Centre, St Andrews Solo Recital: Programme: Haydn: Sonata Hob.XVI:31, E major; Chopin: Etude op.25/7, C sharp minor; Schumann: Aus dem Fremden Laendern und Menschen, op 15/1, G major; Ahnung, F major (1838); Brahms: Albumblatt, A minor (1853); Beethoven: Sonata op.101, A major (1816). This recital will be video live-streamed

Jul 29th
12:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland D.Perf. External Assessor

Jul 25th
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists Teaching and coaching pianists.

Jul 24th
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists Teaching and coaching pianists.

Jul 23rd
10:30am Ledger Recital Room, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland RCS Piano Summer School Faculty Concert, with Fali Pavri, Sasa Gerzelj Donaldson, Sinae Lee, Norman Beedie, Aaron Shorr, Nicholas Ashton. Repertoire to include: Ravel: Ma Mere l'Oye (SGD/NA); Mozart: Sonata, C major, K.545 (NB); Liszt: Vallee d'Obermann (SL); Ravel: La Valse (AS/FP)

Jul 23rd
9:00am RCS Summer School for Pianists Teaching and coaching pianists.

Jul 21st
3:00pm The Old Church of Rannoch, Perthshire Solo Recital. Repertoire to include: Bach: Partita No 1, Bb major; Haydn: Andante, Hob.XVII:9 F major; Sonata Hob.XVI:31, E major; Chopin: Etude op.25/7, C sharp minor; Schumann: Ahnung, F major (1838); Brahms: Albumblatt, A minor, (1853); Beethoven: Sonata no.28, A major op 101 (1816) + encore: Schumann: Ahnung (1838)

Jun 27th
6:00pm Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh Recital with pianist Sasa Gerzelj Donaldson for the Slovenian Consultate/Slovenia Scotland Friendship. Repertoire to include: Mozart; Piano Duet Sonata Kv.381, D major (NA/SGD); Ravel: Suite - Ma Mere l'Oye (Mother Goose) (SGD/NA)

Jun 12th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland B.Ed External Assessor, Piano Assessments

Jun 2nd
3:00pm Scottish Arts Club, Rutland Square, Edinburgh Solo Recital, Scottish Arts Trust 10th Anniversary. Programme: Haydn: Variations, Hob.XVII:6, F minor (1793); Robert Crawford: Prelude (2011) First Performance; Kenneth Dempster: Vista (2005); Robert Crawford: Sonata Breve (1991); Beethoven: Sonata op.101, A major (1816)

May 16th
7:00pm Lithuania: Piano House ORGANUM, Vilnius, FORTEPIJONŲ DUETŲ FESTIVALIS Re:Sono: Two Piano Recital (with Lauryna Sableviciute) Works to include works by Benjamin Britten and premieres by Diana Cemeryte, Graham Lynch, Stephen Pratt.

May 15th
7:30pm Lithuania: ŠIAULIŲ FORTEPIJONŲ DUETŲ FESTIVALIS Re:Sono: Two Piano Recital (with Lauryna Sableviciute) Works to include works by Benjamin Britten and premieres by Diana Cemeryte, Graham Lynch, Stephen Pratt.

May 15th
2:00pm Lithuania: JONISKIO ALGIMANTO RAUDONIKIO ŠIAULIŲ FORTEPIJONŲ DUETŲ FESTIVALIS Re:Sono: Masterclass with students of the Joniskio Algimanto Raudonikio followed by a Two Piano Recital (with Lauryna Sableviciute) Works by Benjamin Britten and premieres by Diana Cemeryte, Graham Lynch, Stephen Pratt.

Apr 17th
6:00pm Ledger Recital Room, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland D.Perf. Examination. Monika Palšauskaitė (with Petras Geniušas): Messaien: Visions de l'Amen

Mar 26th
1:10pm Reid Hall, University of Edinburgh PLEASE NOTE: THIS RECITAL HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED. A REPLACEMENT PROGRAMME IS ADVERTISED. Solo Recital: Programme - Haydn: Variations, HobXVII:6, F minor; Helen Grime: 10 Miniatures; Brahms: Albumblatt, A Minor (1853); Schumann: Ahnung, F major (1838); Beethoven: Sonata op.101, A major

Jan 26th
1:00pm Stevenson Hall, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland D.Perf Internal Examiner for Marianna Abrahamyan, piano, with the Red Note Ensemble: Ligeti Piano Concerto

Jan 10th
5:30pm Institut Francais Edinburgh Recital with Mark Bailey, 'cello. Programme: Cesar Franck: Sonata, A major, 1st movement; Gabriel Faure: Elegie, C minor; Debussy: Sonata for 'cello and piano, D minor (Summer, 1915)

Nov 26th
10:45am Stevenson Hall, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland RCS Juniors Concerto Competition. Adjudication with Helen Brew, Allan Neave, Nicholas Ashton

Jul 9th
7:30pm Islay Cantilena Festival PLEASE NOTE: THE PIANIST FOR CONCERT HAS BEEN REARRANGED DUE TO INJURY. Repertoire to include: Mozart: Concerto Kv.413, F major; Schubert: Piano Quintet, A major D.667, "The Trout". With Angus Ramsay, violin; Lev Atlas, viola; Martin Storey, 'cello; Peter Fry, double bass

May 21st
9:15pm LRT Klasika Radio, Lithuania Re:Sono duo concert at Organum Hall in Vilnius (from 5 April 2023) broadcast on LRT KLASIKA RADIO with Lauryna Sableviciute. Programme to include contemporary/new works by British and Lithuanian composers (Benjamin Britten, Stephen Davismoon, Alan Edward Williams, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Jane Stanley, Juste Janulyte, Alina Savanenkovaite)

May 15th
5:00pm LRT Klasika Radio, Lithuania Re:Sono duo concert at Organum Hall in Vilnius(from 5 April 2023) broadcast on LRT KLASIKA RADIO with Lauryna Sableviciute. Programme to include contemporary/new works by British and Lithuanian composers (Benjamin Britten, Stephen Davismoon, Alan Edward Williams, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Jane Stanley, Juste Janulyte, Alina Savanenkovaite)

Apr 5th
7:30pm Piano House ORGANUM, Vilnius, Lithuania Re:Sono Piano Duo. Two piano recital with Lauryna Sableviciute. Programme to include contemporary/new works by British and Lithuanian composers (Benjamin Britten, Stephen Davismoon, Alan Edward Williams, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Jane Stanley, Juste Janulyte, Alina Savanenkovaite)

Apr 3rd
7:30pm Academy of Music, Kaunas, Lithuania Re:Sono Piano Duo. Two piano recital with Lauryna Sableviciute. Programme to include contemporary/new works by British and Lithuanian composers (Benjamin Britten, Stephen Davismoon, Alan Edward Williams, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Jane Stanley, Juste Janulyte, Alina Savanenkovaite)

Mar 24th
1:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Fridays at One: RCS Piano Faculty Concert with Aaron Shorr, Fali Pavri, Sinae Lee, Sasa Gerzelj Donaldson, Graeme McNaught, Stephen Coombs and Petras Genusias. Repertoire to include Rachmaninov Suite no.1 op 5/3 (Les Larmes), G minor, for two pianos with Sasa Gerzelj Donaldson

Dec 2nd
7:30pm Bute Arts Society, Trinity Church, Rothesay Evening Concert: The Cantilena Players. Programme of Viennese Classics, including Strauss, Lanner, Kreisler

Aug 31st
6:00pm Hamburg Halle 424 Solo Recital: Birds and Landscapes: Solo Piano Recital: Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, K.475; Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Schumann: Vogel als Prophet; Ravel: Oiseaux Tristes; Messiaen: Preludes - La Colombe; Plainte Calme; Debussy: Clair de Lune; Liszt: Etude d'execution transcendante No.6: "Vision", G minor. Encores: Liszt: Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 4, E major, "Arpeggio"; Schumann: Ahnung (1838), D major; Schumann: Aus dem fremden Laendern und Menschen (Kinderszenen op 15 no 1), G major

Jul 17th
3:00pm Old Church of Rannoch, Perthshire Solo Recital. Haydn: Variations F Minor H.17/6; Beethoven: Sonata, Ab major op 26, Liszt: Etude d'apres Paganini "La Chasse", E major, Chopin: Etude op.25/7, C sharp minor, Mendelssohn: Gondellied op 19/6, G minor, Schumann: Vogel als Prophet, op 82/7, G minor; Papillons, op 2

Jul 8th
7:30pm Islay Cantilena Festival Bruichladdich Distillery Final Concert of the Festival

Jul 7th
7:30pm Islay Cantilena Festival Ardbeg Distillery Cantilena Players. Works inlcude: Vivaldi concerto for two mandolins, G major; works by Mozart, Beethoven, Boccherini. With Allan Neave, guitar; Angus Ramsay, violin; Hector Scott, violin; Lev Atlas, viola; Martin Storey, 'cello; Peter Fry, double bass and the Cantilena Scholars

Jul 6th
2:00pm Islay Cantilena Festival Columba/Gallic Arts Centre Mixed Programme: Angus Ramsay, violin; Hector Scott, violin; Lev Atlas, viola; Martin Storey,'cello; Peter Fry, double bass

Jul 6th
7:30am Islay Cantilena Festival Columba/Gallic Arts Centre Solo Recital: to include Haydn: Variations, F minor Hob.XVII:6; Arnold: Serenade (with Allan Neave, guitar); Beethoven Piano Quartet op 16 with with Angus Ramsay, violin; Lev Atlas, viola; Martin Storey, 'cello

Jul 4th
7:30pm Islay Cantilena Festival Laphroig Distillery Accompanying Cantilena Scholars' performances. Composers include: Brahms, Dvorak, Lalo, Suk

Jul 3rd
7:30pm Islay Cantilena Festival Columba/Gallic Arts Centre Programme to include: Mozart Concerto Kv.414, A major; Beethoven Piano Trio, op 97, Bb Major (Archduke) with Angus Ramsay, violin; Hector Scott, violin; Lev Atlas, viola; Martin Storey, 'cello; Peter Fry, double bass

Jun 10th
11:00am Ledger Room, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining B.Ed Degree Piano Specialism

Jun 6th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining B.Ed Degree Piano Specialism

Apr 26th
7:30pm Stevenson Hall, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland D.Perf Examining

Apr 8th
7:30pm The Institute at New Lanark The Cantilena Players: Music in Lanark, the Institute at New Lanark. Programme of Viennese Classics, including Strauss, Lanner, Kreisler

Mar 30th
2:00pm Cosmo Rodewald Hall, University of Manchester Two Piano Composition Workshop with Re:Sono Piano Duo (Lauryna Sableviciute/Nicholas Ashton) and student composers; performances of works CANCELLED

Mar 16th
1:00pm Reid Hall, University of Edinburgh Adjudication: Tovey Prize

Feb 23rd
2:00pm Cosmo Rodewald Hall, University of Manchester Two Piano Composition Workshop with Re:Sono Piano Duo (Lauryna Sableviciute/Nicholas Ashton) and student composers CANCELLED

Feb 18th
1:00pm Stevenson Hall, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland RCS Fridays at One Concert Series: Cantilena Festival Players. Works Include Vivaldi Concerto for Two Mandolins; Concerto for Solo Mandolin

Feb 11th
6:30pm Ledger Room, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Adjudication: Duncan Gerber Prize for Chamber Music, with Michael Beeston

Jun 27th
7:30pm Cantilena Festival Recording, RCS Stevenson Hall Recordings: Mozart: Concerto, A major, Kv.414 (Piano with String Quintet version with Cantilena colleagues: Angus Ramsay, violin; Angus Anderson, violin; Stephen Shakeshaft, viola: Martin Storey, ‘cello; John Clark, double bass) Vivaldi: Concerto for lute/guitar, D major, KV.93: with Allan Neave, guitar; Angus Ramsay, violin, Angus Anderson, violin; Martin Storey, 'cello; John Clark, double bass

Jun 26th
7:30pm Cantilena Festival Recording, RCS Stevenson Hall Recordings: Beethoven Violin Sonata op 30/2, C minor, mvt 1 with Tessa Henderson, violin; Prokofiev Cello Sonata op 119, mvt 2 with Ayla Mascarenhas, 'cello

Oct 14th
7:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen Hamburg Solo Recital. THIS PROGRAMME HAS BEEN POSTPONED: FRANCK-THOMAS LINK WILL PERFORM A REPLACEMENT RECITAL Haydn: Sonata, Ab major H.16/46; Schumann: Novelette op 21/8 F Sharp minor/D Major; Six Etudes: Chopin: Etude op 10/4, C sharp minor; Chopin Etude op 10/3, E major; Chopin Etude op 25/7, C sharp minor; Liszt: Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 4, E major, "Arpeggio"; Liszt: Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 5, E major, "La Chasse" Liszt: Etude d'apres Paganini: No.3, G sharp minor, "La Campanella")

Oct 13th
12:30pm Katharinen Kirche, Hamburg Hamburger Kammerkunstverein Solo Recital. THIS PROGRAMME HAS BEEN POSTPONED: FRANCK-THOMAS LINK WILL PERFORM A REPLACEMENT RECITAL Repertoire to include: Haydn: Variations in F Minor, Hob.XVII 9; Sonata: Ab major, Hob.XVI:46

Sep 28th
12:30pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow D.Perf Examining

Sep 18th
1:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Sep 14th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Aug 21st
6:00pm Scottish Arts Club, Rutland Square, Edinburgh Clubfest 2020: Free from Freedom. Streamed performance to include works by John McLeod and Florence Price. With Taylor Wilson, mezzo-soprano and Hector Scott, violin

Aug 16th
6:00pm Club Fest 2020: Scottish Arts Club, Rutland Square, Edinburgh Recording for online concert in the 2020 Club Fest Series at the Scottish Arts Club. To include works by John McLeod and Florence Price. With Taylor Wilson, mezzo-soprano and Hector Scott, violin

Jun 8th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard: undergraduate and postgraduate performances

Jun 7th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard: undergraduate and postgraduate performances

Jun 6th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard: undergraduate and postgraduate performances

May 10th
5:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen Hamburg Solo Recital. THIS PROGRAMME HAS BEEN POSTPONED: FRANCK-THOMAS LINK WILL PERFORM A REPLACEMENT RECITAL Haydn: Sonata, Ab major H.16/46; Schumann: Novelette op 21/8 F Sharp minor/D Major; Six Etudes: Chopin: Etude op 10/4, C sharp minor; Chopin Etude op 10/3, E major; Chopin Etude op 25/7, C sharp minor; Liszt: Grand Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 4, E major, "Arpeggio"; Liszt: Grand Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 4, E major, "Arpeggio"; Liszt: Grande Etude d'apres Paganini: No. 5, E major, "La Chasse" Liszt: Grande Etude d'apres Paganini: No.3, G sharp minor, "La Campanella")

May 9th
12:30pm Katharinen Kirche, Hamburg Hamburger Kammerkunstverein Solo Recital. THIS PROGRAMME HAS BEEN POSTPONED: FRANCK-THOMAS LINK WILL PERFORM A REPLACEMENT RECITAL Repertoire to include: Haydn: Variations in F Minor, Hob.XVII 9; Sonata: Ab major, Hob.XVI:46

Apr 9th
7:30pm Vilnius, Lithuania THIS CONCERT HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED Contemporary Two Piano Recital with Lauryna Sableviciute. Repertoire to include premieres: works by Jane Stanley, Stephen Davismoon, Alan Williams, Judith Weir, Benjamin Britten, Igor Stravinsky

Mar 27th
12:30pm Peel Hall, University of Salford THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED Two Piano Recital and Masterclass for pianists with Lauryna Sableviciute. Repertoire to include new works by Alan Williams, Stephen Davismoon; works by Judith Weir and Benjamin Britten

Mar 19th
2:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow THIS EVENT HAS NOW BEEN POSTPONED Adjudication: Dunbar Gerber Prize for Chamber Music

Feb 13th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Pas de Deux Cinq: Piano duo recital with Franck-Thomas Link. Repertoire to include Beethoven: Sonata op 6; Debussy: Six Epigraphes Antiques

Feb 12th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen Hamburg Pas de Deux Cinq: Piano duo recital with Franck-Thomas Link. Repertoire to include Beethoven: Sonata op 6; Erik Satie: trois morceaux en forme de poire; Debussy: Six Epigraphes Antiques

Nov 25th
7:30pm The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh The Andrew Doig Bequest Celebration: A Song Recital by Jale Papila, contralto and Franck-Thomas Link, piano. Repertoire to include songs by Mendelssohn, Brahms, Debussy and Wolf

Nov 7th
1:30pm Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Masterclass/Workshop with piano students

Nov 7th
12:30pm Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Birds and Landscapes: Solo Recital. Programme: Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, K.475; Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Schumann: Vogel als Prophet; Ravel: Oiseaux Tristes; Messiaen: "La Colombe"; "Plainte Calme"; Debussy: Clair de lune; Liszt: Etude, G minor "Vision"; Schumann: Aus dem fremden Laendern und Menschen, op 15/1

Oct 10th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Lunch Concert Entr'Acte: with Franck-Thomas Link: Pas de Deux IV. Ravel: Ma mere l'oye; Poulenc: Sonata (1918)

Oct 9th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen Hamburg Entr'Acte: with Franck-Thomas Link: Pas de Deux IV. Ravel: Ma mere l'oye; Debussy: Petite Suite; Poulenc: Sonata,(1918); Bizet: encore from Jeux d'Enfants

Sep 30th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Examining D.Perf Keyboard

Sep 24th
1:10pm Reid Hall, Edinburgh University Concert Series 2019-20 Birds and Landscapes: Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, K.475; Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Schumann: Vogel als Prophet; Ravel: Oiseaux Tristes; Messiaen: "La Colombe"; "Plainte Calme"; Debussy: Clair de lune; Liszt: Etude, G minor, "Vision"; Weber: Rondo op 24/4. (+ encore: Chopin: Mazurka, C major, op.7 no.5)

Sep 4th
6:00pm Hamburg Oberhafen Halle 424 Anniversary Concert: 20 Years of the Hamburger Kammerkunstverein. Debussy: Trois Chansons de Bilitis (with Jale Papila); Dvorak: Zigeunermelodien, op.55 (with Jale Papila); William Bolcom: Black Max (with Ulrich Bildstein); Kreisler: Bidla Bu (with Ulrich Bildstein); The Owl and the Pussycat (with Ulrich Bildstein, Rebecca Lenton, Simon Strasse); Rachmaninov: Romanza (with Yun Xu, Franck-Thomas Link)

Aug 22nd
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Aug 20th
2:30pm Church of St Andrew and St George, Edinburgh/Open Eye Gallery Birds and Landscapes: Solo recital programme: themes based on work by artist John Busby. Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, K.475; Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Schumann: Vogel als Prophet; Ravel: Oiseaux Tristes; Messiaen: "La Colombe"; "Plainte Calme"; Debussy: Clair de lune; Liszt: Etude, G minor "Vision"; Weber: Rondo op 24/4

Jul 18th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Lunch Concert Birds and Landscapes: Solo Piano Recital: Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, Kv.475 Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Liszt: Etude, G Minor, "Vision"; Weber: Rondo, C major, op 24/4

Jul 17th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen Hamburg Birds and Landscapes: Solo Piano Recital: Mozart: Fantasia, C minor, K.475; Daquin: Le Coucou; Rameau: La Poule; Schumann: Vogel als Prophet; Ravel: Oiseaux Tristes; Messiaen: Preludes - La Colombe; Plainte Calme; Debussy: Clair de Lune; Liszt: Etude - Vision; Weber: Rondo, C major, op 24/4

Jun 7th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Jun 6th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Jun 5th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Jun 4th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Jun 3rd
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Jun 2nd
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Keyboard

Feb 21st
2:30pm Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Manchester University workshop/masterclass with pianist students at the University of Manchester

Feb 21st
1:10pm Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Manchester University Wasserklavier: Solo Recital: Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied 1 op 19b No 6 (Barcarolle 1); Franz Liszt: Nuages Gris (Grey Clouds); Claude Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No 4 from Children's Corner); Claude Debussy: Des pas sur la neige (No 6 from Préludes, premier Livre); Chopin: Prelude Db Major op.28/15, "Raindrop"; György Ligeti: Arc-en-ciel (No 5 from Etudes, premier Livre); Luciano Berio: Wasserklavier (1965, from Six Encores); Maurice Ravel: Ondine (from Gaspard de la Nuit); Claude Debussy: Ondine (No 8 from Préludes, deuxième Livre); Franz Liszt: Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este (Années de pèlerinage, troisième année: Italie)

Jan 22nd
7:00pm St Giles' Cathedral Edinburgh Debussy: Clair de Lune. Performance and audio installation by John Hails: Moon Project

Jan 18th
11:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus pianists

Jan 17th
11:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus pianists

Jan 10th
8:30am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudication: Walcer Prize for pianists: 30 minute recital to include a work by Chopin

Dec 7th
1:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus and M.Mus pianists

Dec 5th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus and M.Mus pianists

Nov 30th
11:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus and M.Mus pianists

Nov 29th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Guest teaching, B.Mus and M.Mus pianists

Oct 10th
1:30pm Edinburgh Napier University Craiglockhart Dialogue for Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Aug 24th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner, Keyboard

Aug 16th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Lunch Concert Piano Duet Recital with Franck-Thomas Link: Mozart: Works for Piano Duet; including unfinished works and sketches. Works include; Fugue, G minor, K401; Sonata, F major, K497

Aug 15th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen, Hamburg Piano Duet Recital with Franck-Thomas Link Mozart: Works for Piano Duet; including unfinished works and sketches: works to include Sonata, C major, K19d; Fugue, G minor, K401; Sonata, F major, K497

Jun 14th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

Jun 13th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

Jun 12th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

Jun 11th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

Jun 10th
10:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

May 30th
10:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

May 17th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Lunch Concert Wasserklavier: Solo Recital Programme: Felix Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied 1 op 19b No 6 (Barcarolle 1); Franz Liszt: Nuages Gris (Grey Clouds); Claude Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No 4 from Children's Corner); Claude Debussy: Des pas sur la neige (No 6 from Préludes, premier Livre); György Ligeti: Arc-en-ciel (No 5 from Etudes, premier Livre); Luciano Berio: Wasserklavier (1965, from Six Encores); Claude Debussy: Ondine (No 8 from Préludes, deuxième Livre); Maurice Ravel: Ondine (from Gaspard de la Nuit) + encore: Chopin: Prelude op. 28/15

May 16th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen, Hamburg Wasserklavier: Solo Recital Programme: Felix Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied 1 op 19b No 6 (Barcarolle 1); Franz Liszt: Nuages Gris (Grey Clouds); Claude Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No 4 from Children's Corner); Claude Debussy: Des pas sur la neige (No 6 from Préludes, premier Livre); Chopin: Prelude op 28/15; György Ligeti: Arc-en-ciel (No 5 from Etudes, premier Livre); Luciano Berio: Wasserklavier (1965, from Six Encores); Maurice Ravel: Ondine (from Gaspard de la Nuit); Claude Debussy: Ondine (No 8 from Préludes, deuxième Livre); Franz Liszt: Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este (Années de pèlerinage, troisième année: Italie) + encore: Federico Mompou: Secreto

May 4th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Specialist External Examiner Keyboard

Mar 28th
9:00am Hamburg/Berlin/Frankfurt Rehearsals for Mozart piano duo recording/concerts: Halle 424/Hamburger Kammerkunstverein

Nov 21st
1:10pm Reid Concert Hall, University of Edinburgh Wasserklavier: Solo Recital Programme: Felix Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied 1 op 19b No 6 (Barcarolle 1); Franz Liszt: Nuages Gris (Grey Clouds); Claude Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No 4 from Children's Corner); Claude Debussy: Des pas sur la neige (No 6 from Préludes, premier Livre); György Ligeti: Arc-en-ciel (No 5 from Etudes, premier Livre); Luciano Berio: Wasserklavier (1965, from Six Encores); Maurice Ravel: Ondine (from Gaspard de la Nuit); Claude Debussy: Ondine (No 8 from Préludes, deuxième Livre); Franz Liszt: Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este (Années de pèlerinage, troisième année: Italie)

Nov 12th
1:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudication: Classical Concerto Prize and Jock Holden Mozart Prize, with conductor Jean-Claude Picard

Oct 18th
1:10pm The Byre Theatre, St Andrews Wasserklavier: Solo Recital: Felix Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied 1 op 19b No 6 (Barcarolle 1); Franz Liszt: Nuages Gris (Grey Clouds); Claude Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No 4 from Children's Corner); Claude Debussy: Des pas sur la neige (No 6 from Préludes, premier Livre); Chopin: Prelude op 28/15, "Raindrop"; Luciano Berio: Wasserklavier (1965, from Six Encores); Maurice Ravel: Ondine (from Gaspard de la Nuit); Claude Debussy: Ondine (No 8 from Préludes, deuxième Livre); Franz Liszt: Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este (Années de pèlerinage, troisième année: Italie)

Sep 30th
5:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow External Specialist Assessor, Piano

Sep 9th
7:30pm Haddington Town House, East Lothian Song Recital with Joan Busby, mezzo-soprano, in commemoration of the Andrew Doig Memorial Bequest. Programme to include selections from Reynaldo Hahn, Manuel de Falla, English song and piano solos by Chopin: Etude op 25/7; Mendelssohn: Gondolierlied op 19b/6 and Debussy: Snow is Dancing (No. 4 from Children's Corner)

Aug 15th
2:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, M.Mus, Keyboard

Jul 13th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Mozart Duo Project with Franck-Thomas Link. Programme: Andante with Variations, G major Kv.501; Sonata, C major, Kv.521

Jul 12th
6:00pm Halle 424 Oberhafen, Hamburg Mozart Duo Project with Franck-Thomas Link. Programme: Andante with Variations, G major, Kv.501; Unfinished Sonata, G major, Kv357; Sonata, C major, Kv.521

May 17th
9:00am Hamburg - Berlin - Frankfurt-am-Main Rehearsals for recording sessions Mozart complete duet/two piano repertoire with Franck-Thomas Link

Apr 30th
3:00pm Altrincham Dunham Lawn Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde: Programme to include Schubert Fantasy F Minor D.940

Apr 29th
8:00pm Altrincham Dunham Lawn Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde: Programme to include Schubert Fantasy F Minor D.940

Jan 12th
1:10pm Glasgow University Haydn: Variations F minor Hob.XVII no 6; Beethoven Sonata Ab op 26; Schoenberg Sechs kleine Klavierstuecke op 19; Schumann Abegg Variations, op 1

Jan 11th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudication: Walcer Prize for pianists: 30 minute recital to include a work by Chopin

Sep 18th
7:00pm Zeffirelli's Restaurant and Cinema, Ambleside, Cumbria Book Launch: "Kay's Ark" by Kerry Darbishire (Handstand Press) Liszt: "Un Sospiro"

Sep 16th
6:00pm NDR TV Actuell, Hamburg Profile of Oberhafen Quarter, Hamburg and Halle 424 concert series, with interviews and excerpts from live concert on 17/8/16

Aug 18th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Piano Duet Recital with Franck-Thomas Link: repertoire to include Mozart Sonata K497, F major

Aug 17th
6:30pm Halle 424 Oberhafen, Hamburg Piano Duet Recital with Franck-Thomas Link: repertoire to include Mozart Sonata K497, F major

Aug 10th
2:30pm BBC Radio 4 Edinburgh/London "Profile" subject: Stephen Hough, with contributions from Dame Shirley Williams, Sir Mark Elder, Dr. Margaret Moray, Steven Isserlis and Nicholas Ashton

Aug 8th
4:45pm BBC Radio 3 Blue Tent Edinburgh International Festival In Tune with Sean Rafferty. Duet with Rebeca Olvera, soprano, John Osborn, tenor

May 26th
2:00pm Recital Room (A78) Merchiston Campus, Edinburgh Napier University Haydn: Adagio, F major, Hob.XVII:9; Haydn: Variations, F Minor, Hob.XVII:6; Schoenberg: Sechs kleine Klavierstuecke, op 19; Schumann: Papillons, op 2

May 25th
2:30pm St Aloysius' Church/RCS, Glasgow Specialist External Examiner, MMus

Dec 3rd
9:00am Valetta, Malta Auditions for Ian Tomlin Music Scholarships

Oct 14th
6:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Specialist External Assessor, Piano BMus

Oct 1st
1:00pm University of Salford Adelphi Building External Examiner, PhD

Sep 30th
9:00am The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Fliming and audio recording for documentary programme on Chopin in Scotland in 1848. Repertoire to include: Valse A minor op 34 no 2 Valse Ab major op 42 Valse Gb op 70 no 1 Impromptu F sharp op 36 Etude C sharp minor op 25 no 7 Preludes op 28 a, e, b, A, Db Nocturne op 9 no 1 Bb minor Steinway Model D Serial No:599478 Piano Technician: Norman Motion Director (film): Dr Alistair Scott Director (audio): Dr Paul Ferguson Team: Students from the Screen Academy Scotland; MA Sound Production; B.Mus Hons

Aug 23rd
11:00am Hamburg/Harburg: Konzert im Tunnel Solo Recital to include works by Haydn: Sonata Hob.XVI:41, Bb major; Schoenberg: Six Little Piano Pieces op 19; Beethoven: Sonata op 26, Ab major; Schumann: Papillons op 2; Mozart Piano Duet Sonatas D major Kv.381; Bb major Kv.358 (with Franck-Thomas Link)

Aug 20th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Solo Recital: Haydn: Sonata Hob.XVI:41, Bb major; Schoenberg: Six Little Piano Pieces op 19; Schumann: Papillons op 2

Aug 19th
9:30pm Halle 424, Oberhafen Hamburg Solo Recital to include works by Haydn: Sonata Hob.XVI:41, Bb major; Schoenberg: Six Little Piano Pieces op 19; Schumann: Papillons op 2

May 26th
1:00pm Nixon Hall, Northumbria University, Newcastle Web of Wellbeing Conference series with Nigel Osborne and David Camlin: “MUSIC, MIND, BRAIN and WAY OF LIFE”: Presentation: How Audiences React to Performance

Apr 21st
2:30pm BBC Radio Scotland: Edinburgh/Glasgow The Culture Studio with presenter Janice Forsyth in discussion with James MacMillan, Paul Ferguson and Nicholas Ashton on Low Latency Transfer

Apr 18th
8:15pm Ernst Barlach Haus, Jenisch Park, Hamburg Die lange Nacht der Museen: piano duet recital with Franck-Thomas Link; works by Mozart, Brahms, Debussy, Faure, Ravel

Apr 18th
6:45pm Ernst Barlach Haus, Jenisch Park, Hamburg Die lange Nacht der Museen: piano duet recital with Franck-Thomas Link; works by Mozart, Brahms, Debussy, Faure, Ravel

Mar 12th
1:10pm Glasgow University Piano Duo Recital: Lauryna Sableviciute, Nicholas Ashton. Programme to include works by Britten, Drew Hammond, Scriabin, Jane Stanley, Lutoslawski.

Feb 24th
2:00pm High School of Dundee piano masterclass

Feb 20th
7:30pm Liverpool Hope University Contemporary Piano Series Capstone Theatre Piano Duo Recital: Lauryna Sableviciute, Nicholas Ashton. Programme: Britten - Introduction and Rondo; Drew Hammond - Watershed; Scriabin - Fantasy; Poulenc - Sonata; Stravinsky - Sonata; Ian Percy - Mystics; Stephen Pratt - Fast Forward; Graham Warner - Flux; Jane Stanley - Pentimenti; Lutoslawski - Paganini Variations

Jan 14th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudication Walcer Prize for pianists: 30 minute recital to include a work by Chopin

Nov 14th
7:30pm Rhosygilwen, Neuadd y Dderwen The Archduke Trio of London: Richard Ireland, violin, Nicola Thomas, 'cello, Nicholas Ashton, piano: Programme to include: Mozart K.548 C major; Beethoven op.1 no. 1 Eb Major; Brahms op 9 B major

Aug 31st
11:00am Hamburg/Harburg Fortissimo: Konzert im Tunnel Solo Recital: Mozart: Sonata Kv. 282, Eb Major; Haydn Variations, F Minor Hob XVII:6 Schumann: Six Pieces from op.99/124; Abegg Variations, op.1 Chopin: Valse op 42, Ab major; Valse op 34/2 A Minor; Etude op 25 no 7 C sharp minor; Impromptu op 36, F sharp major

Jul 17th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Solo Recital of works by Mozart and Chopin: Mozart: Sonata Kv. 282, Eb Major; Chopin: Valse op 42, Ab major; Valse op 34/2 A Minor; Etude op 25 no 7 C sharp minor; Impromptu op 36, F sharp major

Jun 22nd
3:00pm Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow Scottish International Piano Competition 2014: Assessor of the Jury, Final

Jun 20th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Scottish International Piano Competition 2014: Assessor of the Jury, Semi-Final

Feb 18th
1:10pm Edinburgh University Reid Hall Concert Series Two Piano Recital with Lauryna Sableviciute. Programme: Mozart Larghetto and Allegro, Eb major; Stravinsky Sonata (1944); Drew Hammond Watershed; Jane Stanley Pentimenti; Chopin Rondo op.73, C major

Jan 29th
6:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudicator, Mozart Piano Competition: Final Performances

Dec 19th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange Hamburg Chamber Arts Association. Piano Duo Recital with Franck-Thomas Link. To include works by Mozart (K497)

Jul 18th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Concert Series. Piano Duet Recital, Franck-Thomas Link, Nicholas Ashton Programme to include: Brahms 16 Waltzer op.39, Mozart Sonata Kv.358, Bb major

May 25th
4:00pm Oberhafen Hamburg BRD Obertoene Festival: Schnittke: cello sonata (1978) with Johannes Krebs, cello; Brahms Paganini Variations op 35 Book 1; Gustav Mahler Piano Quartet Movement, A minor, (1875) with Juditha Haeberlin, violin, Miriam Goetting, viola and Johannes Krebs, cello

May 24th
7:00pm Oberhafen Hamburg BRD Obertoene Festival Brahms: op.91 Lieder with Jale Papila, mezzo soprano, Miriam Goetting, viola; 16 Waltzer op 39 with Franck-Thomas Link, piano duet

Apr 9th
10:00am Keele University Networkshop41 Conference with Edinburgh Napier University LOLA (Low Latency Audio Visual Streaming) project rehearsal and performance using low latency fibre-optic technology. Beethoven Sonata op 69 mvt 1

Apr 8th
12:00pm Keele University Networkshop41 Conference with Edinburgh Napier University Rehearsal/Soundcheck/Simultaneous performance

Mar 24th
7:30pm University Of Salford Sonic Fusion Festival Two Piano Recital, Lauryna Sableviciute, Nicholas Ashton. Programme to include "Watershed" (2011) by Drew Hammond, "Pentimenti" (2011) by Jane Stanley, Igor Stravinsky Sonata (1943-44), Francis Poulenc Sonata (1918), Witold Lutoslawski Paganini Variations (1941), Benjamin Britten Introduction and Rondo alla Burleska (1940).

Feb 26th
9:00am St. Mary's Music School, Edinburgh Examining Principal Study Piano Assessments; Workshop with all Principal Study Pianists

Feb 19th
1:10pm Edinburgh University Reid Hall Concert Series Duo Recital with Ursula Smith, 'cello. Programme: Beethoven: 7 Variations on Mozart: Bei Maennern welche Liebe fuehlen, woO46; 12 Variations on Mozart: Ein Maedchen oder Weibchen, op 66; Sonata, op 69 A Major.

Feb 11th
8:30pm Amici della Musica, Teatro Palamostre, Udine, Italy Programme: Haydn Variations F minor Hob.XVII:6, Copland Variations (1930), Schumann Abegg Variations op 1, Wagner Elegie Ab major, Schumann Pieces from op 99, op 126 and op 12, Brahms Paganini Variations Book 1 op 35a.

Feb 9th
8:30pm Palazzo veneziano, Malborghetto, Italy Amici della Musica di Udine with Luisa Sello. Programme: Schumann Abegg Variations; Schubert Arpeggione Sonata; Schumann Wehmut and Mondnacht (Liederkreis op.39)

Feb 8th
7:15pm Museo Carnico delle Arte Popolare "Michele Gortani" Tolmezzo, Italy "La musica raccontata" with Luisa Sello. Programme: Haydn F minor Variations; Schumann Abegg Variations; Schubert Arpeggione Sonata; Schumann Wehmut and Mondnacht (Liederkreis op 39)

Nov 22nd
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Arts Association Concerts Series: Wagner: Elegy, Ab Major; Brahms: Intermezzo op 116 No 5, E Minor; Fabrice Fitch: Wind-Up (Wind-Up I; Wind-Up II "Rockabye"; Wind-Up III " See-Saw" d'apres Brahms) European Premiere; Brahms: Paganini Variations op 35 Book 1

Nov 11th
2:15pm Eton College, Wndsor Junior Piano Competition: Adjudication

Nov 10th
8:15pm Eton College, Wndsor Senior Piano Competition: Adjudication

Aug 25th
5:00pm Hamburg Oberhafen Tag des Oberhafens Spielraumbegehung. Piano duets with Franck-Thomas Link: Mozart Sonatas K.381 D Major, (FTL/NA) K.497 F Major (NA/FTL)

Aug 25th
3:00pm Hamburg Oberhafen Tag des Oberhafens Spielraumbegehung. Piano duets with Franck-Thomas Link: Mozart Sonatas K.381 D Major, (FTL/NA) K.497 F Major (NA/FTL)

Jun 9th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Jun 8th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Jun 7th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Jun 6th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Jun 5th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Jun 4th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Examining M.Mus and Final Year B.Mus Pianists

Apr 21st
7:45pm Paxton House Picture Gallery, Berwickshire, Scotland Reception Concert: Ida Maria Turri, Mezzo Soprano; Nicholas Ashton piano: Programme: Offenbach, Schubert, Schumann (Kinderszenen op 15 Nos 1,5,8), Chopin (Impromptu op 36), Bernstein, Gershwin, Bizet

Mar 30th
9:00am Valletta, Malta Auditions for the Ian Tomlin Music Scholarships

Mar 2nd
8:30am St. Mary's Music School, Edinburgh Examining Principal Study Piano Assessments; Workshop with all Principal Study Pianists

Jan 16th
1:00pm Royal Conservatoire, Scotland, Renfrew St, Glasgow Monday Recital Series Lauryna Sableviciute and Nicholas Ashton, Two Pianos Works by Stravinsky (Sonata, LS, NA) Drew Hammond, (Watershed, World Premiere, LS, NA) Jane Stanley, (Pentimenti, World Premiere, LS, NA) David Thomas Duncan, (Variations, NA, LS) John De Simone, (Praeludium, World Premiere, LS, NA), Mozart (Larghetto and Allegro, Eb Major, NA, LS)

Nov 11th
7:30pm St Andrew and St George, Edinburgh Recital with Luisa Sello, Flautist: works by Scelsi, Ferneyhough, Berio and transcriptions from Rossini, Verdi, Bellini

Oct 13th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburger Kammerkunstverein Mozart Piano Duos Kv381, D major (FTL, NA) and Kv497, F major (NA, FTL) Nicholas Ashton, Franck-Thomas Link

Aug 16th
5:00pm Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh Fringe Festival St. Clement's Wind Ensemble Mahler arr. Schoenberg Das Lied von der Erde

Aug 15th
5:00pm Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh Fringe Festival St. Clement's Wind Ensemble Mahler arr. Schoenberg Das Lied von der Erde

Aug 7th
9:45pm Edinburgh Fringe Festival Bosco Theatre George Square Le Gateau Chocolat: Cabaret. Nicholas Ashton, piano, Su-a Lee, 'cello and Harriet Davidson, 'cello: 5-28 August (21 performances)

Jun 10th
1:45pm St Mary's Music School, Edinburgh Adjudication for Voice and Instrumental Prizes

May 28th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

May 27th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

May 26th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

May 25th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

May 24th
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

May 23rd
9:00am Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Examining M.Mus and final B.Mus keyboard students

Nov 23rd
1:10pm Edinburgh University Reid Concert Hall Series Chopin 6 preludes from op 28 Chopin 12 Etudes from op 10, op 25 and op.posth.

Nov 22nd
2:00pm Reid Hall, University of Edinburgh Performance Class with B.Mus students

Nov 18th
12:30pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburger Kammerkunstverein Chopin 12 Etudes from op 10, 25, op.posth.

Nov 15th
7:00pm Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow Adjudication, School of Keyboard Mozart Concerto Prize

Nov 6th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Lunchtime Recital with Paul Keohone, baritone Programme: works by Haydn, R. Strauss, Schumann, Schubert, Finzi, Wagner, Verdi, Scottish Traditional

Sep 30th
1:10pm Glasgow University Music in the University Concert Series Nicholas Ashton, Lauryna Sableviciute, pianos Mozart Larghetto and Allegro, Eb Drew Hammond Strata (premiere) Stravinsky Sonata (1944) Chopin Rondo, C major, op 3

Sep 28th
1:10pm Edinburgh University Reid Hall Concert Series Dvorak Piano Quintet op 81, A major Nicholas Ashton, Edinburgh Quartet

Jul 22nd
7:30pm Paxton House, Berwickshire Music at Paxton Festival Dvorak Quintet, op 81, A major Nicholas Ashton, Edinburgh Quartet

Mar 23rd
1:10pm Edinburgh University Reid Hall Concert Series Schumann Piano Quintet op 44, Eb Major Nicholas Ashton, Edinburgh Quartet

Mar 14th
12:30pm Burgersaal, Wandsbek, Hamburg, BRD Piano Recital Haydn Adagio, F Major HXVII:9 Haydn Variations, F minor HXVII:6 Beethoven Sonata op 26, Ab Major Chopin 8 Etudes from op 10 and op 25 Schumann 6 pieces from op 99 and op 126 Schumann Abegg Variations, op 1, F major

Feb 1st
7:30pm Huddersfield Music Society St Paul's Concert Hall with Edinburgh Quartet Schumann Piano Quintet op 44

Dec 6th
3:00pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Beethoven Sonata op 6 Schubert Variations Dv 624 Fantasie F minor Dv 940

Dec 4th
7:30pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Beethoven Sonata op 6 Schubert Variations Dv 624 Fantasie F minor Dv 940

Nov 28th
6:00pm Glasgow University Sound Thought Contemporary Music Festival Fraser Clark: Instances for 'cello and piano (with Mark Bailey, 'cello); David Thomas Duncan Variations for Two Pianos, Kevin Bowyer and Nicholas Ashton Pianos

Oct 28th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin Academy of Music Edinburgh Napier University Lunchtime Concert Series Haydn Hob XVII 6 and XVII 9 Fitch Wind-up Hails EMG 2 Haydn HobXVI 31

Sep 27th
3:00pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Mozart Fugue Kv401, G minor; Sonata Kv 497 F major

Sep 25th
7:30pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Mozart Fugue Kv401, G minor; Sonata Kv497, F major

Sep 3rd
7:30pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Mozart Fantasie Kv594, F minor; Sonata Kv357, G major; Fugue, Kv410, G minor; Fantasie Kv608, F minor

Jul 24th
7:30pm North West Arts Music Trust Piano Duet Recital with Andrew Wilde (all AW, NA) Mozart Sonata Kv381 D major; Sonata Kv358 Bb major; Sonata Kv521, C major

Jun 17th
7:00pm Laeiszhalle, Musikhalle, Hamburg, BRD Hamburger Kammerkunstverein 10th Anniversary Concert Haydn Adagio F major, Hob.XVII;6 Dempster Chaconne in memorium Colin O'Riordan

Apr 10th
7:00pm Edinburgh Napier University Queen's Craig Building Recital Room Recording: short film "Pignickowsky" by Ernesto Canovas

Mar 13th
3:00pm School of Music, University of Tennessee, Knoxville USA Masterclass with Pianists

Mar 12th
8:00pm Concert Hall, School of Music, University of Tennessee, Knoxville USA Guest Piano Recital Programme: Haydn Adagio, F Major Hob.XVIII:9, Variations, F Minor Hob.XVIII:6, Beethoven Sonata, E Major op 109, Robert Crawford Sonata Breve, (1991), Schumann Nine Pieces from op 12, op 99 and op 124, Abegg Variations op 1: Chopin Valse Eb major op.posth, Etude, C+minor op 25/7, Schumann Kinderszenen op15/1

Dec 4th
1:10pm Durham University Musicon Lunchtime Concerts,Palace Green Beethoven Sonata op 109; Fabrice Fitch Wind Up, Rockabye, See-Saw; John Hails; EMG; Robert Crawford A Saltire Sonata (1990)

Nov 29th
3:00pm Glasgow University Sound Thought Contemporary Music Festival Chris Hutchings "The Windhover"; David Thomas Duncan Variations; Euan Fulton Echoes: with Lauryna Sableviciute, Two Pianos

Sep 25th
7:30pm Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Sonic Fusion Festival Robert Crawford: Sonata Breve (1991) Six Bagatelles (1947) Sonata op 2 (1951) A Saltire Sonata (1990) Haydn Sonata XVI:31, E major Beethoven Two Bagatelles op 126

Jul 24th
7:30pm Paxton House, Berwickshire Music at Paxton Festival with the Edinburgh Quartet Shostakovich Piano Quintet, G minor

May 15th
7:30pm Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Concert with the Napier Chamber Orchestra Programme: Shostakovich Concerto No 2, F major

Apr 24th
12:45pm Cowdray Hall, Aberdeen Lunchbreak Concert Series Vaughan-Williams "On Wenlock Edge" with Thomas Hobbs, tenor and the Edinburgh Quartet

Apr 23rd
7:30pm Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Edinburgh Quartet Concert Series Vaughan-Williams "On Wenlock Edge" with Thomas Hobbs, tenor

Mar 14th
1:10pm Clothworkers' Centenary Concert Hall, Leeds University of Leeds Concert Series with Beth Mackay, mezzo soprano. Schumann Frauenliebe und Leben; Rodrigo Cuatro Madrigales Amatorios

Nov 29th
2:00pm Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Recording Sessions for Delphian Records: Robert Crawford, the complete works for solo piano: Sonata No 2 (1951), Six Bagatelles op 3 (1948), A Saltire Sonata (1991)

Nov 17th
9:00am Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Recording Sessions for Delphian Records: Robert Crawford, the complete works for solo piano: Sonata No 2 (1951), Six Bagatelles op 3 (1948), A Saltire Sonata (1991)

Oct 18th
12:45pm The Merchants' House, Glasgow Westbourne Music Society Chamber Concert Series: Nicholas Ashton with the Edinburgh Quartet Elgar Piano Quintet

Oct 10th
7:30pm Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Nicholas Ashton with the Edinburgh Quartet Elgar Piano Quintet

Oct 10th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Lunchtime Concert with the Edinburgh Quartet Programme: Ernst von Dohnanyi Piano Quintet No 2 E b Major op 26

Oct 9th
2:00pm The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Recording Sessions for Delphian Records: Robert Crawford, the complete works for solo piano: Piano Quintet (2005) with the Edinburgh Quartet

Oct 8th
9:00am The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Recording Sessions for Delphian Records: Robert Crawford, the complete works for solo piano: Sonata Breve (1991), Piano Quintet (2005) with the Edinburgh Quartet

Aug 7th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Liszt: Valse Oubliee No 1, Etude de Concert "Un Sospiro", Les Jeux d'Eau a la Villa d'Este, Hungarian Rhapsody No 4 Eb Major, Polonaise No 2, E Major (03/2004)

Apr 19th
7:45pm The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Solo Piano Recital Programme: Beethoven C Major Rondo op 51/1, Sonata Eb Major op 7, Scarlatti Four Sonatas, John White Sonata No 108, Grieg Sonata E Minor op 4

Apr 17th
7:30pm Glasgow University Chamber Recital with the Edinburgh Quartet, James McOran-Campbell, baritone Programme: Faure, La Bonne Chanson, Piano Quintet No 1

Apr 16th
7:30pm Stockbridge Parish Church, Edinburgh Chamber Recital with the Edinburgh Quartet, James McOran-Campbell, baritone Programme: Faure, La Bonne Chanson, Piano Quintet No 1

Nov 15th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Solo Piano Recital Programme Mozart Sonata Eb Major K.282, Schumann Five Pieces from op 99 and op124, Four Fantasiestuecke from op 12

Nov 7th
1:10pm Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Lunchtime Concert Series with the Edinburgh Quartet Ernst von Dohnanyi Piano Quintet No 2 Eb Major, op 26

Oct 15th
7:30pm Altrincham Parish Church, Cheshire Chamber Recital with Andrew Wilde, piano Programme:Chopin Spinato et Grande Polonaise op 22 (AW), Mozart Sonata K282 (NA), Fantasia K396 (AW) Sonata K381 (NA,AW), Schumann Six Pieces from op 99 and op 124 (NA) Debussy Petite Suite (AW, NA)

May 26th
12:00pm Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Final Undergraduate Recital with Vicky Jones, violin Programme: Beethoven Sonata op 30/3 G Major, Julian Wagstaff Hebridean Sunset Rag, Ravel Violin Sonata

May 3rd
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Lunchtime Concert with the Edinburgh Quartet Programme: Mozart Piano Quartet, G Minor, Kv.478

Mar 8th
1:10pm Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Edinburgh University Concert Series with the Edinburgh Quartet Programme: Mozart PIano Quartet Eb Major K493, Schnittke Piano Quintet

Nov 25th
7:30pm Edinburgh Napier University Harvey McGregor Piano Inauguration Concert Chopin two etudes op 10 no 3, op 10 no 8; Kenneth Dempster "Vista" (World Premiere)

Oct 27th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Lunchtime Recital, Two Pianos, Franck-Thomas Link, Nicholas Ashton Programme: Mozart Sonata, D major, Kv.448 (NA, FTL) Schubert Andantino Varie, B Minor Dv.823 piano duet (NA, FTL), Lutoslawski Paganini Variations (1941) (FTL, NA)

Feb 18th
9:00am New Music Building Central Washington University, USA Masterclass with Piano Students.

Feb 17th
7:00pm New Music Building Concert Hall, Central Washington University, USA Guest Piano Recital Programme: Bach Partita No1 Bb Major, Beethoven Sonata op 10 no 3, D Major, Schumann Five Pieces from op 99 and op 124, Four Pieces from op 12, Papillons op 2, Abegg Variations op 1

Oct 20th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Lunchtime Concert Piano Recital Programme: Chopin Five Preludes from op 28, Eight Etudes from op 10 and op 25

Jul 29th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Beethoven Andante Favori F Major, WO:53, Rondo op 51/1 C Major, Variations, op 34, F Major

Jul 22nd
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Chopin Six Preludes from op 28, Eight Etudes from op 10 and op 25

Jul 15th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Schumann Four Fantasiestuecke op 12, Papillons, op 2

Feb 17th
7:30pm Dalkeith and District Arts Guild Programme: Handel Chaconne G Major HWV.435, Haydn Sonata E Major HobXVI:31, Beethoven Sonata Ab Major op 26, Schumann Five Pieces from op 99 and op 124, Chopin Three Etudes op 25 No1, 3 and 7, Liszt, Valse Oubliee No1, Etude de Concert "Un Sospiro", Hungarian Rhapsody No 4, Eb Major

Dec 4th
1:10pm Concert Hall, Music Department,Glasgow University Recital with Rosie Staniforth, oboe Programme: Clara Schumann Three Romances op 22, Liszt Etude de Concert "Un Sospiro" (NA), Britten Six Metamorphoses after Ovid (RS), Pavel Haas Suite op 17 (1939) RS, NA)

Oct 16th
1:10pm Concert Hall, Music Department,Glasgow University Two Piano Recital with Ingrid Sawers Programme: Mozart Larghetto and Allegro Eb Major (NA, IS) Chopin Rondo C Major, op 73 (NA, IS), Stravinsky Sonata (1944) (IS, NA), Brahms Variations on the St. Anthony Chorale op 56a (NA, IS)

Oct 8th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Two Piano Recital with Ingrid Sawers Programme: Chopin Rondo C Major, op 73 (NA, IS), Stravinsky Sonata (1944) (IS, NA), Brahms Variations on the St. Anthony Chorale op 56a (NA, IS)

Aug 14th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Recital with Ulrich Bildstein, baritone, Franck-Thomas Link, piano Programme: Schubert Lieder (UB, NA) Andantino variee B Minor D 823 (NA, FTL), Busoni Goethe Lieder (UB, NA) Satie Morceaux en forme de Poire (NA, FTL) Stravinsky Trois Pieces Faciles (NA, FTL)

Aug 8th
9:30pm Elb Lounge, Hamburg, BRD Evening Cabaret with Alexandra Schauwienold, actor, Ulrich Bildstein, baritone, Nicholas Ashton, piano Programme: Satie "Le Picadilly" (NA), Avant Dernieres Pensees (UB, NA), Cocteau Le Phantome de Marseilles (AS), Weill Youkali (AS, NA), Schoenberg Sechs Kleine Klavierstuecke op 19 (NA), Stravinsky Sonata (1924) (NA), Ligeti Musica Ricercata no 3 (NA), Donna Summer "I Feel Love" (AS, UB, NA)

Jul 31st
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Haydn Sonata E Major HobXVI:31, Schubert Sonata E Minor, D 566

Mar 21st
7:30pm Dalkeith and District Arts Guild Programme: F.Couperin Chaconne "la favorite", Beethoven Sonata Eb Major op 7, Schubert Sonata E Minor Dv.566, Schumann "Warum" and "In der Nacht" from op 12, Papillons, op 2

Mar 4th
1:10pm Reid Concert Hall, Edinburgh University Two Piano Recital with Ingrid Sawers Programme: Mozart Larghetto and Allegro, Eb Major (NA, IS), Stravinsky Sonata (1944) (IS, NA), Brahms Variations on the St. Anthony Chorale op 56a (NA, IS)

Jan 29th
7:30pm Concert Hall, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester Manchester Recitals Series Programme: Schubert Sonata E Minor, Dv.566, Beethoven Sonata Eb Major, op 7, Schumann Humoreske Bb Major, op 20

Jan 9th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Schumann Humoreske Bb Major, op 20

Nov 28th
1:10pm Concert Hall, Music Department,Glasgow University Recital with Rosie Staniforth, oboe Programme: Bach Partita BWV.1013 (RS), Schumann Papillons op 2 (NA) Antal Dorati Duo Concertant (RS, NA)

Aug 8th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Piano Duet Recital with Satoko Matsumoto Programme: Schubert Andantino variee, B Minor D.823 (NA, SM) Schumann Three Pieces from op 85 (NA, SM), Stravinsky Three Pieces for String Quartet arr. piano duet (SM, NA), Poulenc Sonata (SM, NA)

Aug 1st
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Beethoven Sonata, Eb Major, op 7

Jul 25th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme: Mozart Sonata Eb Major, K282, Beethoven Sonata Ab Major, op 26

Jul 18th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Programme; Handel Chaconne G Major HWV.435, Schumann Three Pieces from op 99 and op 124, Papillons, op 2

Jul 11th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Recital with Rosie Staniforth, oboe Programme: Works by Schumann, (op 94), Dutilleux, (Sonatina)

May 23rd
7:45pm The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Solo and Chamber Recital with the Edinburgh Quartet Programme: F. Couperin, Chaconne "la favorite", Handel Chaconne G Major HWV.435, Schumann Five Pieces from op 99 and op 124, Papillons, op 2, Dvorak Piano Quintet A major, op 81

May 4th
10:00pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Turmeau Hall, Napier University, Edinburgh Evening Recital with Claire Debono, soprano, Denise Ward, trumpet, Simon Thacker, guitar Programme works by Schumann, Morano, Navarez, Ovalle, Henrique, Myers, Villa-Lobos, Gerhard, Turina, Handel

Mar 20th
1:15pm Ian Tomlin School of Music, Napier University, Edinburgh Recital with Franck-Thomas Link, Anders Mansson, piano Programme: F. Couperin Chaconne "la favorite" )NA, Bach/Busoni Chaconne D Minor (FTL), Gubaidulina Chaconne (1962) (AM), K. Dempster Chaconne in Memoriam Colin O' Riordan (UK premiere) (NA, FTL, AM)

Mar 2nd
9:00am The Queen's Hall, Edinburgh Recording Sessions for "Chaconne a son Gout" with Franck-Thomas Link, Anders Mansson, piano F. Couperin Chaconne "la favorite" (NA), Bach/Busoni Chaconne D Minor (FTL), Gubaidulina Chaconne (1962) (AM), K. Dempster Chaconne in Memoriam Colin O' Riordan (world premiere recording) (NA, FTL, AM)

Feb 28th
7:30pm Concert Hall, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester Andrew Wilde and Friends with Andrew Wilde, Nicholas Ashton pianos, Jennifer Pike, Ingrid Button, violins, Craig Owen, viola, Daniel Gardner,'cello, Burak Marlali, double bass Programme: Mozart Two Piano Sonata D Major K448 (NA, AW) Beethoven Violin Sonata G Major op 30/3 (JP, AW) Schubert "Trout" Quintet, A Major, Dv.667 (AW, IB, CO, DG, BM)

Feb 7th
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Recital "Die Drei Pianisten", with Franck-Thomas Link, Anders Mansson, piano Programme: F. Couperin Chaconne "la favorite" (NA), Gubaidulina Chaconne (1962) (AM), K. Dempster Chaconne in Memoriam Colin O' Riordan (World Premiere) (NA, FTL, AM)

Feb 5th
6:00pm Warburg Bank Evening Concert, Hamburg, BRD Recital with Franck-Thomas Link, Anders Mansson, piano Programme: F. Couperin Chaconne "la favorite" )NA, Bach/Busoni Chaconne D Minor (FTL), Gubaidulina Chaconne (1962) (AM), K. Dempster Chaconne in Memoriam Colin O' Riordan (UK premiere) (NA, FTL, AM)

Jan 31st
12:00pm Hamburg Stock Exchange, BRD Hamburg Chamber Music Association Duet Recital with Franck-Thomas Link, piano Programme: Schubert Variations E Minor, op 10 (FTL, NA), Ravel Ma Mere l'Oye (NA, FTL) Mozart Sonata Bb Major Kv.358 (NA, FTL)

Jan 17th
1:10pm Concert Hall, Music Department,Glasgow University Recital with Rosie Staniforth, oboe/cor anglais Programme: Schumann Three Pieces op 102 (RS, NA), Hindemith Sonata for Cor Anglais (RS, NA) Beethoven Variations F Major op 34 (NA) Dutilleux Sonata for Oboe (RS, NA)

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Nicholas Ashton, pianist